EXISTS to make a positive difference in environmental conservation, sustainable livelihoods and inclusive development in Tanzania by stimulating growth through local community participation in initiatives that are geared towards eliminating poverty, improving food security, while promoting feasible economic options and sustainable conservation of natural resources.

Motto: "Join the race to make the world a better place"


Pamoja Environmental Focus (PAMOJA) is an environmental not-for-profit organization registered in Tanzania in July 2012 with Certificate of Incorporation Reg. No. 92451. PAMOJA focuses on environmental education and awareness targeting education for sustainable consumption, natural resources management and sustainable livelihoods that is also embracing community based microfinance approaches and climate smart entrepreneurship. PAMOJA works with communities to identify and apply viable and workable solutions on their day-to-day’s operational challenges in making surrounding environment suitable to support viable livelihoods and sustainable lifestyles on the stable environment.

PAMOJA ENVIRONMENAL FOCUS is committed to sustainable environmental management initiatives that meet the needs of many Tanzanians at rural and urban settings, explore avenues, share experiences and workable solutions to address life challenges that connects to their natural environment and sustainable lifestyles.

Our Vision

A state where people live sustainable lifestyles in a stable natural environment. Adopting a motto: "Join the race to make the world a better place" .

Our mission

To improve people's quality of life by developing their capacities to respond to new challenges and opportunities and enabling them take active and well-informed decisions and actions that result into positive environmental management which integrate viable livelihoods and sustainable lifestyles.


  • To promote adoption of strategies that are geared towards eliminating poverty, improving income and food security, and conserving the environment;
  • To initiate and promote sustainable livelihood options and local community participation in conservation of natural resources;
  • To enhance capacity development of stakeholders in research on feasible economic options and biological diversity.

  • BG's Work with Communities
    Join the
    Renewable Energy Revolution
    Fish-ponds location survey -Mtwara community project
    Conserve Freshwater Sources
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    Education for